STM32F439xx HAL User Manual
RCC Exported Macros


 AHB1 Peripheral Clock Enable Disable

Enable or disable the AHB1 peripheral clock.

 AHB1 Peripheral Clock Enable Disable Status

Get the enable or disable status of the AHB1 peripheral clock.

 APB1 Peripheral Clock Enable Disable

Enable or disable the Low Speed APB (APB1) peripheral clock.

 APB1 Peripheral Clock Enable Disable Status

Get the enable or disable status of the APB1 peripheral clock.

 APB2 Peripheral Clock Enable Disable

Enable or disable the High Speed APB (APB2) peripheral clock.

 APB2 Peripheral Clock Enable Disable Status

Get the enable or disable status of the APB2 peripheral clock.

 AHB1 Force Release Reset

Force or release AHB1 peripheral reset.

 APB1 Force Release Reset

Force or release APB1 peripheral reset.

 APB2 Force Release Reset

Force or release APB2 peripheral reset.

 AHB1 Peripheral Low Power Enable Disable

Enable or disable the AHB1 peripheral clock during Low Power (Sleep) mode.

 APB1 Peripheral Low Power Enable Disable

Enable or disable the APB1 peripheral clock during Low Power (Sleep) mode.

 APB2 Peripheral Low Power Enable Disable

Enable or disable the APB2 peripheral clock during Low Power (Sleep) mode.

 HSI Configuration
 LSI Configuration
 HSE Configuration
 LSE Configuration
 RTC Clock Configuration
 PLL Configuration
 Get Clock source
 RCC Extended MCOx Clock Config
 Flags Interrupts Management

macros to manage the specified RCC Flags and interrupts.