STM32L486xx HAL User Manual
TIM Extended Break input source
TIM Extended Exported Constants


#define TIM_BREAKINPUTSOURCE_BKIN   0x00000001U /* !< An external source (GPIO) is connected to the BKIN pin */
#define TIM_BREAKINPUTSOURCE_COMP1   0x00000002U /* !< The COMP1 output is connected to the break input */
#define TIM_BREAKINPUTSOURCE_COMP2   0x00000004U /* !< The COMP2 output is connected to the break input */
#define TIM_BREAKINPUTSOURCE_DFSDM1   0x00000008U /* !< The analog watchdog output of the DFSDM1 peripheral is connected to the break input */

Define Documentation

#define TIM_BREAKINPUTSOURCE_BKIN   0x00000001U /* !< An external source (GPIO) is connected to the BKIN pin */

Definition at line 215 of file stm32l4xx_hal_tim_ex.h.

Referenced by HAL_TIMEx_ConfigBreakInput().

#define TIM_BREAKINPUTSOURCE_COMP1   0x00000002U /* !< The COMP1 output is connected to the break input */

Definition at line 216 of file stm32l4xx_hal_tim_ex.h.

Referenced by HAL_TIMEx_ConfigBreakInput().

#define TIM_BREAKINPUTSOURCE_COMP2   0x00000004U /* !< The COMP2 output is connected to the break input */

Definition at line 217 of file stm32l4xx_hal_tim_ex.h.

Referenced by HAL_TIMEx_ConfigBreakInput().

#define TIM_BREAKINPUTSOURCE_DFSDM1   0x00000008U /* !< The analog watchdog output of the DFSDM1 peripheral is connected to the break input */

Definition at line 219 of file stm32l4xx_hal_tim_ex.h.

Referenced by HAL_TIMEx_ConfigBreakInput().