STM32L486xx HAL User Manual
COMP external interrupt line management
COMP Exported Macros


 Enable the COMP1 EXTI line rising edge trigger.
 Disable the COMP1 EXTI line rising edge trigger.
 Enable the COMP1 EXTI line falling edge trigger.
 Disable the COMP1 EXTI line falling edge trigger.
 Enable the COMP1 EXTI line rising & falling edge trigger.
 Disable the COMP1 EXTI line rising & falling edge trigger.
 Enable the COMP1 EXTI line in interrupt mode.
 Disable the COMP1 EXTI line in interrupt mode.
 Generate a software interrupt on the COMP1 EXTI line.
 Enable the COMP1 EXTI line in event mode.
 Disable the COMP1 EXTI line in event mode.
 Check whether the COMP1 EXTI line flag is set.
 Clear the COMP1 EXTI flag.
 Enable the COMP2 EXTI line rising edge trigger.
 Disable the COMP2 EXTI line rising edge trigger.
 Enable the COMP2 EXTI line falling edge trigger.
 Disable the COMP2 EXTI line falling edge trigger.
 Enable the COMP2 EXTI line rising & falling edge trigger.
 Disable the COMP2 EXTI line rising & falling edge trigger.
 Enable the COMP2 EXTI line in interrupt mode.
 Disable the COMP2 EXTI line in interrupt mode.
 Generate a software interrupt on the COMP2 EXTI line.
 Enable the COMP2 EXTI line in event mode.
 Disable the COMP2 EXTI line in event mode.
 Check whether the COMP2 EXTI line flag is set.
 Clear the COMP2 EXTI flag.

Define Documentation

Clear the COMP1 EXTI flag.

Return values:

Definition at line 444 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

Disable the COMP1 EXTI line in event mode.

Return values:

Definition at line 432 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

Disable the COMP1 EXTI line falling edge trigger.

Return values:

Definition at line 384 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

Disable the COMP1 EXTI line in interrupt mode.

Return values:

Definition at line 414 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

Disable the COMP1 EXTI line rising edge trigger.

Return values:

Definition at line 372 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

do { \
                                                               LL_EXTI_DisableRisingTrig_0_31(COMP_EXTI_LINE_COMP1); \
                                                               LL_EXTI_DisableFallingTrig_0_31(COMP_EXTI_LINE_COMP1); \
                                                             } while(0)

Disable the COMP1 EXTI line rising & falling edge trigger.

Return values:

Definition at line 399 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

Enable the COMP1 EXTI line in event mode.

Return values:

Definition at line 426 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

Enable the COMP1 EXTI line falling edge trigger.

Return values:

Definition at line 378 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

Enable the COMP1 EXTI line in interrupt mode.

Return values:

Definition at line 408 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

Enable the COMP1 EXTI line rising edge trigger.

Return values:

Definition at line 366 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

do { \
                                                               LL_EXTI_EnableRisingTrig_0_31(COMP_EXTI_LINE_COMP1); \
                                                               LL_EXTI_EnableFallingTrig_0_31(COMP_EXTI_LINE_COMP1); \
                                                             } while(0)

Enable the COMP1 EXTI line rising & falling edge trigger.

Return values:

Definition at line 390 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

Generate a software interrupt on the COMP1 EXTI line.

Return values:

Definition at line 420 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

Check whether the COMP1 EXTI line flag is set.

Return values:

Definition at line 438 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

Clear the COMP2 EXTI flag.

Return values:

Definition at line 528 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

Disable the COMP2 EXTI line in event mode.

Return values:

Definition at line 516 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

Disable the COMP2 EXTI line falling edge trigger.

Return values:

Definition at line 468 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

Disable the COMP2 EXTI line in interrupt mode.

Return values:

Definition at line 498 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

Disable the COMP2 EXTI line rising edge trigger.

Return values:

Definition at line 456 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

do { \
                                                               LL_EXTI_DisableRisingTrig_0_31(COMP_EXTI_LINE_COMP2); \
                                                               LL_EXTI_DisableFallingTrig_0_31(COMP_EXTI_LINE_COMP2); \
                                                             } while(0)

Disable the COMP2 EXTI line rising & falling edge trigger.

Return values:

Definition at line 483 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

Enable the COMP2 EXTI line in event mode.

Return values:

Definition at line 510 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

Enable the COMP2 EXTI line falling edge trigger.

Return values:

Definition at line 462 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

Enable the COMP2 EXTI line in interrupt mode.

Return values:

Definition at line 492 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

Enable the COMP2 EXTI line rising edge trigger.

Return values:

Definition at line 450 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

do { \
                                                               LL_EXTI_EnableRisingTrig_0_31(COMP_EXTI_LINE_COMP2); \
                                                               LL_EXTI_EnableFallingTrig_0_31(COMP_EXTI_LINE_COMP2); \
                                                             } while(0)

Enable the COMP2 EXTI line rising & falling edge trigger.

Return values:

Definition at line 474 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

Generate a software interrupt on the COMP2 EXTI line.

Return values:

Definition at line 504 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.

Check whether the COMP2 EXTI line flag is set.

Return values:

Definition at line 522 of file stm32l4xx_hal_comp.h.