STM32F439xx HAL User Manual
ADC instance - Scan selection
ADC Exported Constants


#define LL_ADC_SEQ_SCAN_DISABLE   0x00000000U

Define Documentation

#define LL_ADC_SEQ_SCAN_DISABLE   0x00000000U

ADC conversion is performed in unitary conversion mode (one channel converted, that defined in rank 1). Configuration of both groups regular and injected sequencers (sequence length, ...) is discarded: equivalent to length of 1 rank.

Definition at line 607 of file stm32f4xx_ll_adc.h.


ADC conversions are performed in sequence conversions mode, according to configuration of both groups regular and injected sequencers (sequence length, ...).

Definition at line 608 of file stm32f4xx_ll_adc.h.

Referenced by LL_ADC_StructInit().