STM32L486xx HAL User Manual
Multimode - DMA transfer mode depending on ADC resolution
Multimode - Mode


#define ADC_DMAACCESSMODE_DISABLED   (0x00000000U)

Define Documentation


DMA multimode enabled (one DMA channel for both ADC, DMA of ADC master) for 12 and 10 bits resolution

Definition at line 308 of file stm32l4xx_hal_adc_ex.h.


DMA multimode enabled (one DMA channel for both ADC, DMA of ADC master) for 8 and 6 bits resolution

Definition at line 309 of file stm32l4xx_hal_adc_ex.h.

#define ADC_DMAACCESSMODE_DISABLED   (0x00000000U)

DMA multimode disabled: each ADC uses its own DMA channel

Definition at line 307 of file stm32l4xx_hal_adc_ex.h.