CMSIS-CORE  Version 3.01
CMSIS-CORE support for Cortex-M processor-based devices
CoreDebug_Type Struct Reference

Structure type to access the Core Debug Register (CoreDebug).

Data Fields

__IO uint32_t DHCSR
 Offset: 0x000 (R/W) Debug Halting Control and Status Register.
__O uint32_t DCRSR
 Offset: 0x004 ( /W) Debug Core Register Selector Register.
__IO uint32_t DCRDR
 Offset: 0x008 (R/W) Debug Core Register Data Register.
__IO uint32_t DEMCR
 Offset: 0x00C (R/W) Debug Exception and Monitor Control Register.

Field Documentation

__IO uint32_t CoreDebug_Type::DCRDR
__O uint32_t CoreDebug_Type::DCRSR
__IO uint32_t CoreDebug_Type::DEMCR
__IO uint32_t CoreDebug_Type::DHCSR