STM32F439xx HAL User Manual
RCC Exported Constants


 Oscillator Values adaptation

Defines used to adapt values of different oscillators.

 Clear Flags Defines

Flags defines which can be used with LL_RCC_WriteReg function.

 Get Flags Defines

Flags defines which can be used with LL_RCC_ReadReg function.

 IT Defines

IT defines which can be used with LL_RCC_ReadReg and LL_RCC_WriteReg functions.

 System clock switch
 System clock switch status
 AHB prescaler
 APB low-speed prescaler (APB1)
 APB high-speed prescaler (APB2)
 MCO source selection
 MCO prescaler
 HSE prescaler for RTC clock
 Peripheral clock frequency
 Peripheral SAI clock source selection
 Peripheral I2S clock source selection
 Peripheral SAI get clock source
 Peripheral SDIO get clock source
 Peripheral RNG get clock source
 Peripheral USB get clock source
 Peripheral I2S get clock source
 Peripheral LTDC get clock source
 RTC clock source selection
 Timers clocks prescalers selection
 PLL, PLLI2S and PLLSAI entry clock source
 PLL, PLLI2S and PLLSAI division factor
 PLL division factor (PLLP)
 PLL division factor (PLLQ)
 PLL Spread Spectrum Selection
 PLLI2SM division factor (PLLI2SM)
 PLLI2SQ division factor (PLLI2SQ)
 PLLI2SDIVQ division factor (PLLI2SDIVQ)
 PLLI2SR division factor (PLLI2SR)
 PLLSAIM division factor (PLLSAIM or PLLM)
 PLLSAIQ division factor (PLLSAIQ)
 PLLSAIDIVQ division factor (PLLSAIDIVQ)
 PLLSAIR division factor (PLLSAIR)
 PLLSAIDIVR division factor (PLLSAIDIVR)