STM32F439xx HAL User Manual
MPU Region Privileges
CORTEX Exported Constants


#define LL_MPU_REGION_NO_ACCESS   (0x00U << MPU_RASR_AP_Pos)
#define LL_MPU_REGION_PRIV_RW   (0x01U << MPU_RASR_AP_Pos)
#define LL_MPU_REGION_PRIV_RW_URO   (0x02U << MPU_RASR_AP_Pos)
#define LL_MPU_REGION_PRIV_RO   (0x05U << MPU_RASR_AP_Pos)
#define LL_MPU_REGION_PRIV_RO_URO   (0x06U << MPU_RASR_AP_Pos)

Define Documentation


RW privileged & user (Full access)

Definition at line 172 of file stm32f4xx_ll_cortex.h.

#define LL_MPU_REGION_NO_ACCESS   (0x00U << MPU_RASR_AP_Pos)

No access

Definition at line 169 of file stm32f4xx_ll_cortex.h.

#define LL_MPU_REGION_PRIV_RO   (0x05U << MPU_RASR_AP_Pos)

RO privileged (privileged read only)

Definition at line 173 of file stm32f4xx_ll_cortex.h.

#define LL_MPU_REGION_PRIV_RO_URO   (0x06U << MPU_RASR_AP_Pos)

RO privileged & user (read only)

Definition at line 174 of file stm32f4xx_ll_cortex.h.

#define LL_MPU_REGION_PRIV_RW   (0x01U << MPU_RASR_AP_Pos)

RW privileged (privileged access only)

Definition at line 170 of file stm32f4xx_ll_cortex.h.

#define LL_MPU_REGION_PRIV_RW_URO   (0x02U << MPU_RASR_AP_Pos)

RW privileged - RO user (Write in a user program generates a fault)

Definition at line 171 of file stm32f4xx_ll_cortex.h.